My rating: 5 of 5 stars

'Resonance' is a must read debut novel by author Ajay. The author beautifully developed a fiction on temporary issue of cross-border terrorism. The plot revolves around the collusion of the Pakistani terrorists groups and some Indian traitors after Mumbai attack. A retired ISI chief conspires to devastate some part of India by causing destruction of a major dam. For this purpose he uses a basic concept of physics called ‘Resonance’. In physics, resonance is the tendency of a system to oscillate with greater amplitude at some particular frequencies than at others. The chief plants some explosive materials underneath the huge water body of the reservoir behind the dam. Exploding the same with help of some device, he wants to generate a driving force at resonance frequency causing large amplitude oscillations destroying the equilibrium of the reservoir. Due to this resonance, the normal seiche in the water body turns into huge monstrous waves which destroy the dam and the deluge washes out everything standing downstream. IB Joint Director, Rana tries to foil the dangerous plan with help of Aban, the son of the same ISI chief against all odds. Why a Pakistani, the son of the mastermind conspirator helps Indian investigator against his own father, read the book to know the reason.
The story is beautifully crafted. Prose is simple and lucid and fast pace. The author has succeeded in using his deep knowledge and insight of Physics, Civil Engineering, Information-Technology, Geopolitics and modus-operandi of investigating agencies.

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